Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


November 4, 2015

Riding the blue line from O’hare to downtown Chicago for a work conference. Full disclosure: I’m writing this on my phone. I look up and down the line of fellow travelers and only about half a dozen are talking with their neighbors. The other 95% are glued to screens. It would probably be fair to say that most of those 95% are traveling by themselves, as I am, and thus aren’t interested in striking up a conversation with the person sharing a barely-upholstered plastic seat, but the overall impression is one of isolation in the midst of a crowd. 

I really wish Jen were here so that I could have her to talk to instead of pecking away at this phone. Planning on a lakefront trail run tonight whenever I finally make it to my hotel. Unseasonably warm for November in Chicago.  


Long time, no see

November 3, 2015

it has been a foggy few days, waiting for the clouds to part can sometimes be a bit tiring. Today is Tuesday and my co-workers tell me that it is also a Tutu Tuesday. So, here I am at work with a Tutu on. Really not as bad as it sounds. Feels and functions more like a tool belt.

Maybe I’ll be more “active” here, maybe not. That remains to be seen. I have been off facebook now for probably around 6 months, and I don’t really miss it at all, especially during election season. image

Christmas Surprise

December 29, 2011

Well, Jennifer was due for baby #4 on January 13th. This baby had other plans. Making a long story short (because who really enjoys the details of another persons’ labor?), we had our baby girl on Christmas Eve at 1:35AM. For those of you who were unaware of the pregnancy: sorry, we’ve been busy. Loaded below is a slide show of photos from her first 6 days ex utero (that’s a weird phrase). I guess I should also add baby data:

Emma Lenoir Mixon

12/23/11 01:35

6# 10oz

Additionally, Today is Jennifer’s Birthday!! Call her with stories of how awesome she is!







Shifting Blame

April 20, 2011

A lot of us blame things on our parents. I bet that my friends who are counselors and psychologists would endorse this as a common counseling issue. True, there is genetic material that ties us to our family, but Calvin’s response to his mother is really a low blow. Is it my parents’ fault that I’m overweight?

John 9:1-3 “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

Maybe it’s because I don’t eat right and exercise. Maybe it’s bacause God doesn’t want me to be vain. Easier to blame it on genes.

catching up

May 15, 2010

The Mixons haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with everyone via our blog. we didn’t even send a christmas newsletter this year! Yipes.  Sounds like a family with preschoolers that’s about to have another baby to me!? 

   I’m here at work this slow Saturday and thought I might just throw out a few things that have been going on here in our family.

1)If we’ve done a really bad job of communicating with you…I’m pregnant with baby 3 due in august!  No, we don’t know what it is – boy or girl – it’ll be a surprise for us all!  The boys are pretty cool with it and Avery, jr has already decided that it is a boy, and he will be named Bob.  Good thing he doesn’t have a weighty vote!! 🙂  Pregnancy is going relatively well and I’m feeling good.

2) We did not float away in the Nashville flood of ’10. Praise God for preserving our family that loss.  We had some friends who did not fare as well and will soon see their house bulldozed to the ground – what an amazing thing water is!  There is a lot of cleanup going on. I drove by the Opryland Hotel on my way to work this morning and there were dozens of Servicemaster vans, dumpsters, masked and gowned workers outside the hotel and mall complex working on the cleanup. What a mess!

3)Av and Parker are 2 and 4 – they’re so much fun but I definitely have a 2 year old in the house – NO! No! No! is all he says!  Av has decided to surprise us with the fact that he is able to read…well.  that’s been fun to see exactly what he can read and understand.  Enter the world of “Is that ‘a’ a long ‘a’ or is it a short  ‘a’??  They’re  both pretty boisterous. In fact, I was on the phone last week with the car repairman while I was at the grocery store. The boys were in the buggy and I was a few steps away from them so I could hear what this man was trying to say. After a few minutes he said, “Ma’am, do you run a daycare?”  Great. No, I said, that’s just my TWO boys here at the grocery store!! God only knows what three Mixons will sound like!

3)Parker likes hiding things, including himself, which he is very good at since he won’t answer me when I call his name.  However, last week, the things hiding were the boys’ toothbrushes.  He loves going  in to the bathroom, but he isn’t supposed to be in there by himself.  Somehow he got in. We couldn’t find those little boogers anywhere! I looked in every hiding spot I could think of and for 3-4 days, these toothbrushes were MIA.  Thursday is diaper wash day.  Yeah, here it comes.  I took the dirty cloth diapers that were in 0ur diaper champ to the washing maching downstairs and as i dumped them in, heard two very distinct ‘CHINK’ noises.  I look in the washer – 2 toothbrushes.  GROSS!!!!  Guess he liked the way he could stick them in the diaper champ, turn the handle, and poof! they disappear like magic.  What a goof.

4)My husband is the sweetest, most patient man ever.  He secretly planned to take the boys, by himself, while I was working this morning, to get their 2 and 4 year-old pictures taken that were horribly overdue.  If you haven’t ever taken small children to have their pictures made, you have no idea what a task this is…especially without back-up with you. He bathed them this morning, dressed them all up, and took them solo.  the pictures are great and they are so cute! I’ll have to post some pics of them later.  Can’t here at the clinic.  Love you, baby!

Well, that’s about all I got for now.  Hopefully more later, with some pictures to look at, too!

PostScript – had no idea he was posting the photo shoot pics the same time I was writing this!! We should get married! 🙂

Excuses excuses

January 13, 2010

I really would like to blog, but I’m reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. For the first time.

Hopeful future topics:

1. Glad Chuck is back on the air.

2. Upcoming Ski trip

3. Diet Barqs Rootbeer

Need a good laugh?

June 30, 2009

If you know me at all, you know I’m a total sucker for physical humor. Excepting my post-surgical sister (get well soon!), everyone needs a good belly-laugh right about now. I was searching the web for some picnic table plans for our back patio when I came across this clip…laughed so hard I had tears dripping onto the desk.  Enjoy and have a great night!

Caption reads as follows:
“Faceplant off of picnic table: can your face withstand this punishment?”

“I can’t understand French, but laughter at the pain of others is a universal language.”

Vacation at ‘The Cape’

June 16, 2009

Man, it’s been a while since we’ve blogged. Sorry to all you (4) faithful readers!! I’ve returned to let you know we had a wonderful beach vacation this past week at Cape San Blas, FL, and there will be pictures. Hooray!  Blogs are just not as fun without photos.  Mags and Rebecca, I’ll point Av in the direction of your previous comments concerning Cherry Coke, Star Trek, etc. 

  I’ll use this captive audience while you’re waiting to scroll down and see pictures to let you know how things in the Mixon world are going.  Well. We’re doing well.  I have been starting a vegetable and flower garden this spring and it’s been a trip – it probably merits its own post. Ok, you convinced me – photos and information about the garden will be posted separately!  Suffice it to say for now that I am glad to have stuff growing in it and am anticipating my firstfruits in a few short weeks!

Avery’s first year is almost over and June is a nice and slow month, so this is very good. I’m finding myself becoming giddy just thinking about him not being as busy – yeah, I’m pathetic.  He showed up at the house today at 4:00 due to a cancelled meeting and I almost passed out from shock! It was great!  We got to go to the YMCA as a family BEFORE dinner even! Wahoo!

Parker is walking finally – 15 months – and he’s getting quite good at it. The hands are still up rather high as his ‘balance beams’ but I love the early walking stage – super cute!  His words are slowly coming. New ones this week: ‘fee’ is fan, ‘sy’ is outside, cheeeese, ‘dow’ for down, and he’s finally gotten dada correct to the proper person. Av and I were both mama for a while there. 

Avery went back to playschool for the summer session (praise God, mom has a break twice a week!!) and loves it as he always does.  He’s still loving the water and is getting closer to swimming but not there yet.  He’s totally potty trained, which is a HUGE thing for us. Now if we can just keep Parker out of the potty…gross…no details on that one. 

I (Jen) am looking at the possibility of some very part time work as a nurse practitioner and am excited about that.  I am loving my yard, flowers, and garden – Av jokes I go outside just to look at the plants and veggies at least 3 times a day – he’s right! I pulled all 4 of them out there this morning to see a huge pumpkin blossom – didn’t get the camera out, though – I know you’re disappointed!

Ok – you’ve read enough.  Here are the pictures from our vacation. No, this is not exhaustive, but it gives you a good glimpse of our week. We had a blast. Enjoy!

who's excited!

jumpin' in the hole pop madewarming upreading with kidsloves a hatpreciousthe gang's all heresistersmama and parkerparker printsthe mixon menjust the 2 of ussunset

Happy Birthday, Avery!!

February 19, 2009

No, I haven’t totally lost my mind…it is indeed another Avery’s birthday. my-birthday

The first Avery’s. My husband. My love. My friend.  He turned 30 yesterday and we had a small family celebration.  He requested a moist chocolate cake with green icing, so that’s what he got! 

It has been a wonderful year and I pray that this next year will be full of blessings and joy. You have certainly given me both in the almost 6 years we’ve been married.  Love ya, sweetie~ Happy Birthday.

Below are pics of our eldest ‘helping me’ make the cake and taste the batter!



note: this marks the last of the Mixon birthdays for the year. We unintentionally have a ‘birthday sprint’ from Dec 29-Feb 18 – containing all 4 of our birthdays.

Happy Birthday, Li’l A!!

February 11, 2009

the-averys-share-a-laughBorn 2:22am, our firstborn makes his entrance

first birthday

His first birthday – he turned completely green!

I'm 2!

He’s 2!


Now he’s three and it’s just unbelievable to think he’s been on this earth for that long! Man, it has flown and we have loved every minute of it!  Happy Birthday, Avery!!

We had a train cake theme for this double birthday party with his brother this past Saturday. Both families were there as were our close friends from Tampa, the Reeds. We had a great time and Av was really excited about his train cake! The party concluded with the opening of a few presents…rocking horse, books, clothes, trains, and his ‘big boy bicycle!’  He’s no longer a toddler but a little boy now.  We love you soooooo much, puddin’ pop!
